Saturday, April 27, 2013

Restraint by Erica Chilson

Review by Kimmi:

Oh My God, I can not believe these words are fixing to fall from my mouth, err fall from my fingers to my key board ;) OK, ARE YOU READY?!?!
Fifty Shades of Grey, Christian, baby, my book man of all book men, your story was so just Trumped, you sir, my fine Christian Grey, have been replaced.
Ladies and Gent, haha, scratch the Gent. Ladies something WONDERFUL happened in the book world today, it hasn't happened to me since April of last year when I began Fifty, got to page 84, and knew my life would never be the same. And that WONDERFUL that happened you ask? It's called Restraint and its by Erica Chilson. And thank the BDSM fates, she has so many books in this series, and baby I'm just at the tip of this Iceberg! I am so freaking excited about this series y'all!!!!! I cannot believe this fucking awesomeness has been out there all this time and I knew NOTHING about it! Shame on you Amazon! When I asked for similar books to fifty I was NOT LOOKING for a damn YA book about puppy love and teen boys! I wanted whips, chains, straps, and yes Master! And not once did you lead me to Restraint! I scoff at you Amazon, spat on you and SCOFF! Quite honestly I can't even explain this book. It's so effin good I am at a loss of words! Kimmi is speechless!!! <- this needs to be documented, seriously, it's a historical moment. Just go my faithful readers of my reviews. Go Now! Shit, Stop reading and Go to amazon download your ebook, or run to your nearest book store and buy book one and two NOW! Don't leave with out book two, there is a cliffhanger, and you don't want to be left with just that! Believe Me!



So Restraint gets 5 CONGRATS you just blew FSOG out of the water stars! *****

Now lets look at some Hawt Pics of Kat & EZ...........

1 comment:

  1. I love this whole damn series! I'm one of the lucky ones since I'm a beta for her. You have no idea how excited I get when I receive a email from her to beta her new work of freaking awesomeness! This series is HANDS down my FAVORITE and super freaking hot with a lot of twisted shit.

    -Cassie Hoffman
